Jordan Paul Front End Developer


Welcome to my website! My name is Jordan Paul, I'm a Front End Developer from Tampa, FL. With a solid foundation in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, coupled with proficiency in frameworks like React and Bootstrap, I specialize in creating interactive web experiences.

I have experience developing websites, games, apps, and more, however my background includes a significant focus on the e-learning industry where I've developed innovative educational solutions. Beyond coding, I am also experienced with graphic design, video editing, creating animated videos, and various other related skills.

Whether I'm crafting responsive websites, building intuitive user interfaces, or diving into the latest front end development trends, my aim is always to deliver high quality results!


App Development With React


10+ Years of E-Learning Experience

CMS Development

WordPress, Contentful, Drupal, and Cascade


Here are a few examples of my work for you to check out. I also designed and developed this website!

Fitbit Dashboard

This is a React dashboard that pulls all of its data from my personal Fitbit using the Fitbit API. Then displays the info in graphs using Google Charts.

React E-Learning Framework

This is a React framework I developed for rapidly creating a series of e-learning courses. Every course is simply a JSON file that is loaded into the framework.

Weather App

Welcome to my first React project! A weather app with a full screen video background that changes with the weather conditions.

The Art Reactor

This is a website I designed and built in WordPress using Divi.

Dynamic Menu

This is a dynamic menu built in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery. It is populated from a JSON file and will automatically add new courses as they are added to the file. It also has expanding text fields for course descriptions.

Dynamic Menu - Alternate Version

This is another version of the dynamic menu.

Workload Estimator

This is a small app designed to estimate the amount of time needed to build an e-learning course.

Software Simulation

This is a simulation designed to replicate software used by RV technicians. It was built using Storyline and JavaScript.

Character Select Screen

This is a sample character select screen I designed while interviewing for the Amazon game New World. All images used are the property of Amazon. It was built using HTML, CSS, JQuery, and GSAP

Animated Training Video

This is a training video I created for an e-learning course using Vyond.


Part of a series of dynamic Flash E-Learning courses I developed for my favorite hardware store, and one of my favorite projects that I have worked on. All the content and functionality is pulled from an xml file, which allowed other developers to easily create the other courses for this series.
*Since Flash is now disabled on browsers, this link shows a video of the project.

My Old Portfolio

This is my old Flash portfolio. Flash may be gone, but this work lives on!
*Since Flash is now disabled on browsers, this link shows a video of the project.


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